Dave's Daredevil Podcast

The Podcast Without Fear

Episode 107- Child’s Play

When a young girl dies, Matt Murdock stumbles into a world of drug dealers who sell to children. He hits the streets and trouble keeps finding him, as a dealer is murdered in cold blood.

But, the case isn’t as cut and dry as it would seem, even with a literal smoking gun, and Daredevil is on a hunt for the truth.

To add more fuel to an already raging fire, THE PUNISHER is in the mix, leading to a confrontation with the unbalanced vigilante that puts the Man Without Fear right in Frank Castle’s crosshairs as Dave looks at Daredevil #183.


Episode 105- Daredevil Year One, Again

In this commemorative, Milestone 105th episode (the numbering will be explained) Dave returns to the early stages of Matt Murdock’s career as Daredevil. But, this time by way of a graphic novel.

Dave cracks open Daredevil: Season One, to revisit the very origins of The Man Without Fear, once again. While the graphic novel is based on the original first six issues of Daredevil, there are new plot threads to be explored.

Is it another Daredevil: Yellow, or does the book have legs to stand on?

Dave also takes some time to reflect on the milestone 105 episodes that the show has reached. Yeah, the milestone is five episodes late, but it’s still a milestone.


Episode 104- Heatwave

Dave continues with DAREDEVIL: FATHER #2.

New York is in the grips of a heatwave, and in the grips of a panic, as the serial killer, Johnny Sockets, is on the loose.

Even though Daredevil has chased all of the criminals out of Hell’s Kitchen, the crime has moved somewhere else, giving rise to a new team of superheroes.

Meanwhile, Daredevil is still in the midst of an existential crisis, and evaluating his legacy, while also evaluating the secrets his new client is hiding, secrets that will lead The Man Without Fear right into the crosshairs of danger.


Episode 103- Father’s Day

Sometimes, Dave throws out a perfectly sensible, and well-thought episode in lieu of a science experiment. While podcasting has ruined comics that he previously loved, can it redeem a comic that he previously hated?

This leads Dave to begin a six part series covering DAREDEVIL: FATHER, a Joe Quesada mini-series that explores the themes of… fathers.Actually, it is a treatise on legacies, and an exploration of the basic building blocks of a man who lives on the razor’s edge between the law, and being a superhero- that man is Matt Murdock.Will Dave make it through all six issues, or will he rage-quit the series and cover some Gene Colan Daredevil instead? Find out in this very episode by downloading now.